Sunday, March 11, 2007

Historical Novel

A historical novel by the co founder of Spy magazine. I have read three reviews this past weekend and felt the need to post.

In the middle of the nineteenth century, modern life is being born: the mind-boggling marvels of photography, the telegraph, and railroads; a flood of show business spectacles and newspapers; rampant sex and drugs and drink (and moral crusades against all three); Wall Street awash with money; and giddy utopian visions everywhere. Then, during a single amazing month at the beginning of 1848, history lurches: America wins its war of manifest destiny against Mexico, gold is discovered in northern California, and revolutions sweep across Europe–sending one eager English gentleman off on an epic transatlantic adventure. . . .
synopsis taken from:

books by/with Anderson:
Spy: The Funny Years
Turn of the Century
Pleasure: The Architecture and Design of Rockwell Group
by David Rockwell, Kurt Andersen, Paola Antonelli, and Arnold Aronson
Tools of Power
The Real Thing