Sunday, March 18, 2007

Week Eleven, Book Twelve

Culture Warrior
I read this book in three sittings and really felt inspired to hit the Internet and read as many political blogs that my tired eyes could take. I was very surprised at the amount that exist and just how passionate some people really are when it comes to chatting about politics. I guess I just really relied on TV and print media for my political education, but now have a new source that I will be tapping. For obvious reasons I think that this book is well written like all of O'Reilly's books and a quick read nonetheless. I especially loved the chapter on "The Battle for Christmas". Since I used to teach in a Catholic School and now teach in a Public School, it really hit a nerve. No matter what your political beliefs are, you are still able to take something away from this book. Since, we are in the midst of "war" and an upcoming "election" I plan on reading more political books and reviewing them in this forum. So, if you have any recommendations, shoot me a comment.
"Culture Warrior" - Free

"For a variety of reasons that I will explain, I have chosen to jump into the fray and become a warrior in the vicious culture war that is currently under way in the United States of America. And war is exactly the right term. On one side of the battlefield are the armies of the traditionalists like me, people who believe the United States was well founded and has done enormous good for the world. On the other side are the committed forces of the secular-progressive movement that want to change America dramatically: mold it in the image of Western Europe. Notice I did not say anything about “conservatives against liberals.” This is not the real culture fight, as I’ll make clear. The talk-radio mantra of the left versus the right doesn’t even come close to defining the culture war in America–it is much more complicated than that." * excerpt from the book
funny video:

Sites to check out: