Monday, April 16, 2007

A Journal of Poetry and Art

by David Shapiro

has been translated into 23 languages. In French
it's "jaupe" and in Japanese it's "sound of
water" and in Hebrew it's yawp again, but it means
hello goodbye or help.
Don't quote me. Yawp.
In the beginning was the yawp, and the yawp was the door.
The rise ands fall of the western Yawp.
Why did the eagle cross to the other side of Whitman's farm?
Answer: Yawp.
To yawp or not to yawp.
Whose yawp this is I think I know.
A yawp is a joy forever.
One day the yawps were clustered in the street.

I came across this site and thought I would share. Enjoy!