Friday, July 27, 2007

Week Thirty, Book Forty Two

by Ben Mikaelsen
"Cole Matthews knelt defiantly in the bow of the aluminum skiff as he faced forward into a cold September wind."

Picking this up, I was hoping that my school could use it for a Literature Circle next year and now feel it is a definite "yes". I read this book a few years ago because Judy recommended it to me and am so glad she did. Believe me, this is one of those stories that can stand the test of time. Young or old, there is a very important message here.

Fighting and stealing for years has finally caught up with Cole Matthews. At the age of fifteen, he is sentenced to prison or isolation for one year by the Native American Circle Justice. He chooses a year on a remote Alaskan island. This story is one boys journey to self-realization and truth through hardship, confrontation, and ritual. I recommend this book to all middle school teachers and students.
Site for Teachers to Check Out:
Touching Spirit Bear (Novel Study Guide) (Author Site)
Lesson Plans: