Monday, July 9, 2007

Week Twenty Seven, Book Thirty Nine

Don DeLillo
Excerpt Chapter One
It was not a street anymore but a world, a time and space of falling ash and near night. He was walking north through rubble and mud and there were people running past holding towels to their faces or jackets over their heads.
A few weeks ago I was hanging out with my best friend at the South Street Seaport and we decided to walk around a bit. I have no idea why, but I suggested we go to Ground Zero. Neither of us have been there in awhile and it was a clear, beautiful sunny day. My friend use to work in the city and has been to the site since 911, but I had not and really didn't desire to. It seemed like enough time had passed and I thought why not? So, we get over near the Century 21 building side and wow! Tons of people are trying to peer in through a tarp that covers the whole site. There is actually a lot of construction currently going on for what I suspect the goal of rebuilding the area. We spoke to a few tourists and residents, which was odd, I didn't think many people uttered a thought about the event. So, whenever I see books about 911, I never have a desire to read them and usually just pass onto something less depressing. Since, I have been on a Kabul book streak, the novels mention the event and I felt it was time to visit some 911 literature. Do not get me wrong, I read Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close: A Novel by Jonathan Safran Foer and enjoyed the back drop, but that really has been it for fiction. Although, Falling Man is a work of fiction, DeLillo deals with the a few characters emotions during and after the event. I loved this book! I respect DeLillo as a writer and I think that he took a risk in fictionalizing this tragedy so close to the actual date. It is less than 10 years and people are still daily coping with the results. I think that stories like this can help not harm.