Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Dragon Lady or Snow Queen?

by Lauren Weisberger

* A ton of my girls book chat this title, so I decided I better know what they are talking about this Fall. No, I did not read this book, but as I was spending my afternoon procrastinating going to the gym, I watched the movie. I have been on the computer since I awoke and have only taken a time out to eat, update my Zune, so my back is in a knot. So, right after this post, I am hitting the gym in hopes to listen to some inspiring music and prepare for an evening out in the city. If you are looking for a complete "Chick Flick" or want to read some "Chick Lit" with sass, then pick up a copy of the book or the movie with Meryl Streep. And "yes", the devil really does wear Prada!