Friday, November 30, 2007

Week Forty Eight, Book Sixty Three

The Hour Sets
Michael C. Boyko
"They are called the Hour Sets, and divided into hours, not because each cultural period lasts only an hour, but 1 hour is how long you must study the symbols of each cultural period in order to learn everything about it. The remaining 12 hours of each day are spent forgetting what you have learned about each cultural period, in the order you have learned it, by engaging only the symbols of your own cultural period. This is called sleep. In this way, all of history is learned and unlearned each day. All of history, our history, takes place on a restricted landscape, the same landscape we learn and unlearn upon...".

This book has a beautiful vibrant cover and intriguing illustrations inside. I was not sure at first what I was reading. Was it poetry, fiction or a combination of the two? I read a small description of the book that called it "a field notebook of sorts comprised of a tidy sequence of observational fictions". I am not really familiar with field notebooks turning into literature, but have always kept a journal with clippings and such, so I think I sort of know what one is. Maybe not. Anyway, I really enjoyed reading Boyko's work and look forward to more pieces by this author.