Saturday, February 16, 2008

Three Cups of Tea

One School at a Time
by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin
My club met on Friday to discuss this book and it was a good read for all. In the past year, I have been reading many books on Pakistan and Afghanistan, but this adventure was very different from previous ones. The story is a simple one. Man hikes, man stumbles upon a small village, man builds a school, man is a hero. It is amazing the luck this man had throughout his lifetime and just how primitive of a lifestyle he led. The writing was very journalistic and wordy, not a page turner, but readable. Although, I struggled for the first 200 pages, I pushed through because I had to find out if Mortenson ever built the schools and how. A must read for all teachers and book lovers.

sites to check out:
Listen to Greg Mortenson talking about Three Cups Of Tea on BBC Radio 5 live