Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tin House, Volume 8, Number 1

by Win McCormack, Rob Spillman, Lee Montgomery, and Holly MacArthur
This magazine is 216 pages of fiction, excerpts from graphic novels/memoirs, poetry, interviews, and features/essays from the October 4, 2006 issue. In the Editor's Note, the question "Why have there been no great women comics artists?" is posed and the entire collection is dedicated to answering this very question. There are so many beautiful pieces in this work and I suggest you read through all to really get the full grasp of the collection. I really loved the illustrations and essay by Zak Smith, Forward from Gravity's Rainbow Illustrated. I had been meaning to pick up his version of the Pynchon masterpiece and this just pushed me towards it even more. A Graphic Essay by Lynda Barry is brilliantly done. I really love the mixture of drawing and collage that she uses and plan on checking out more of her work. Overall, a nice mix of art and literature and a must read for anyone who loves graphic novels.