Monday, July 4, 2011

The Consequence of Skating by Steven Gillis

Published: Black Lawrence Press, 09/01/2010
Pages: 302
Language: English

In The Consequence Of Skating we meet the main character Mickey Greene, a cocaine fueled up and coming actor. To begin, he has a meltdown on stage and ends up in rehab, jobless and on probation. Trying to pull his life together, he works as a night security guard at a local amusement park, Birch Bow Adventure, but he has one true desire. Mickey wants to direct a theatrical version of Harold Pinter’s Moonlight. Unfortunately, this he is distracted by his love for Darcie, an actress and seducer, but she only loves herself and doesn’t want anything to do with him. In enters, Sarah, a big-boned beautiful woman, with a gorgeous voice that captivates Mick. He eventually falls in love with her and then his life seems to take a turn for the better.

Written in the first person, this story is layered with dozens of characters that skate in and out of Mickey's life. He meets a twelve-year-old boy named Cam and he competes with his friend Ted, a computer programmer famous for scripting a personalized sex software, but who has now turned his sights on global politics.

Although this story is fiction, Gillis explores some very human themes of love, heartache and hope. Overall, this is a fine fourth novel by Gillis and a must read for even the most pragmatic reader.

The ceiling of my booth is tin. The metal traps the cold, floor open to the dirt beneath. My shift runs from 9:00 p.m. until 5:00 a.m. five nights a week. As an actor, there was talk of turning my time at the Bow into a documentary, or a reality show with scenes sketched out and other actors brought in. A contract was drawn up, but the court would not sign off, refused to let my punishment morph into a spectacle. I get it. That’s cool. There’s a definite protocol which needs to be followed, a lesson I’m supposed to learn. I appreciate this, want to prove that I’m repentant and accepting of all forms of retribution.