Sunday, September 30, 2012


Chloe, a smart, loving, and independent woman, loses herself and becomes broken when her long time relationship with her boyfriend of six and a half years fails. She yearns for the connection she once had with her ex but is skeptical of any man that comes her way.
To overcome her anxiety of being lonely she goes on a serial dating spree where she meets some interesting men that adore her but for some reason she always seemed to sabotages those relationships. The thought of being hurt again scared her in the worst ways.
Chloe opens herself up to a man that was no good for her that would never love her the way that she deserved to be loved. In her journey to find a deep connection with her soul mate, she finds herself and who she is as a person. When all of her good friends suddenly disappear due to her negligence, she has time alone to think about why her life is spiraling out of control. Once she hits bottom, she has no choice but to get her self together and make some much needed changes. Chloe realizes that is took a traumatic event to happen for her to realize her value as a women. But once she was able to notice this; she was able to find her true happiness.

(New York, N.Y.- August 8th)- Kenya L. Noël, is here with her first novel "Weathering the Storm". This is going to be the best of many books to come! On August 6th, 2012 KenCor Publishing, LLC. released the Kindle, Nook, and Kobo Editions(e-book) and was set to release the hard copy on August 25th, 2012.