Saturday, January 6, 2007

Week One, Book One

Every new year I make a few resolutions that I never fulfill. It usually involves diet and exercise. This year I decided that I would read a new book a week. Sounds easy for those of you that are voracious readers, but for those of us who work and play on a daily basis it is not an easy task to complete. So here we are in the first full week of the new year and I am done with my first book. Yippee!
I have selected Animal Farm for various reasons. First, I am currently teaching it to my students. Second, it is my favorite book of all time.

Review: A must read for anyone who loves history, politics and good classic literature. In a time of war and with the elections creeping up on us, this book is a must read. I have read this book at least a handful of times and never laughed as loud as I did this time around. The roles of "leaders" and "followers" in this novel make me think of the world we live in today and how history really repeats itself. Although this story is suppose to be an allegory/satire about the Russian Revolution it really applies to revolutions in general. Enough said, pick it up and let me know what you think.