Sunday, February 18, 2007

Week Seven, Book Eight

by Nora Ephron
Review: I actually read this book on a whim. If you asked me who Nora Ephron was before yesterday, I would have probably described the author Nora Roberts to you and laughed. There are a few authors that I refuse to read and my reasoning is probably not really fair, but it is what it is. I am not a fan of Nicholas Sparks, James Patterson or Mary Higgins Clark and probably never will be. So, on Fri. my mother-in-law hands me this book that her daughter bought her for Christmas and insists I read it for a good laugh. The fact that Fri. was a stellar day for me, I couldn't resist some laugh therapy this weekend. I started last night at 1:30 am and read about 30 pages. Woke up this morning and polished off another 20. Then, went to brunch, came home and read the rest of the book straight through. Now this book is only 137 pages, so don't applaud me yet. I have to say that I laughed out loud up until the last chapter (Considering the Alternative). The whole book is split into mini chronicles of Ephron's life as a woman. This is a great book for all women, young or old, single or married and especially women who live in the NYC area. I appreciated her honesty and dry humor in the chapter entitled "I Hate My Purse". Bottom line, if you loved her movies: Sleepless in Seattle, You've Got Mail and When Harry Met Sally, then you will love her writing.

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