Thursday, May 3, 2007

Week Eighteen, Book Twenty Two

A History of Art Theft
by Simon Houpt and Julian Radcliffe
Edward Munch's masterpiece "The Scream" was recently returned. Its two-year absence caused an upsurge in attendance.
Review: This book is a glimpse into the world of art theft. It is so amazing how many famous paintings have been stolen and the manner in which they are taken is even more intriguing. I adore art, so this book was a real pleasure to read. A few weeks ago I was sharing with my students the story of the missing Mona Lisa and wish I would have had this book then to display. My favorite chapter dealt with theft in the time of war. There was a whole World War II section that I found very shocking. This book is filled with beautiful paintings, and rare photographs that really "paints" (pun intended) a vibrant history of art and the art world at large. A must read for art enthusiasts!