Saturday, August 18, 2007

Short Story, Zadie Smith

* In the next few weeks I will be reading a ton of short stories to prepare for the first few weeks of school, so I will be writing about the selections for my 8th graders and just some that I come across for adult readers too. This is an adult short story by an author that I find very humorous and dark. I read this story out loud last night, during traffic on the way to the Jets vs. Vikings pre season game and could not help but hear Ian McEwan's influence of dialogue and name dropping. Both authors reference great works of literature in their writing almost offering an inside joke to only the "well read". I disliked this story, but appreciated the style. If you want a copy just click on the link below and the whole story is available from The New Yorker, May 14, 2007 issue.
Hanwell Senior
by Zadie Smith
Short story about a character named Hanwell, his father Hanwell Snr, and the father’s rare appearances in the son’s life. Hanwell Snr’s “feckless and slapdash” ways made him “worse … than a cruel man.” He came to Hanwell like a comet, at long intervals. When Hanwell was six, in the late…