Friday, May 11, 2007

Happy Birthday

by Kurt Vonnegut

A couple of weeks ago Kurt Vonnegut passed away and I posted that the one book of his missing from my collection is out of print. Well, an unexpected early birthday gift was given to me by a friend and I now own a used paperback copy of Happy Birthday, Wanda June! So, I thought I would do a little research on the play and found out that once again a Vonnegut book was turned into a movie.

Here is the run down of the film:
Based on Kurt Vonnegut's off-Broadway play, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WANDA JUNE,is essentially about Susannah York's character Penelope Ryan and the men that dominate her life, including a phenomenal Rod Steiger as ultra-macho big game hunter Harold. The story also occasionally jumps to heaven (yes, really), where Wanda June, the victim of a drunk driving incident, plays shuffleboard for all eternity.

Check out this review of the play:
KURT VONNEGUT: NY Times Review of 'Happy Birthday Wanda June'